Feb 25Liked by Roselle Angwin

I once heard someone wise say that as we age we need to put our books down and go and lie on the earth. To learn from the land, rivers, trees.

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That's lovely, Chris, and I completely agree! - I'm STILL intending to send you a proper email, btw...x

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Since I have been worrying lately about my professionally -- I have to do more, I have to compete more, and so on -- I especially like:

~ You don’t need to aspire to achieve more and more in the outer world. Aspire, instead, to nourish your inner world, to live with more depth

~Give up competitiveness, rivalry, envy. That’s just the ego

~ A quiet mind and heart is worth more than fame and riches

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Hello Rebecca! - Yes, that's a hard one to leave behind. My mantra at the moment - can't remember if I said it in the post - is: quiet heart, quiet mind. Turns out it's more significant than all the rest (probably my age!) - that way I can give out more compassion. X

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yes....thank you

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Repeating myself, sorry - even as you'd quoted that in your comment! - Not been well, and also v busy: reapplying for the right to live in France (Brexit); plus had to give a 1-hour zoom talk yesterday on trees and forests, so have felt scattered!

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not sure when you repeated.......not an issue.

Lots of struggles....gather your quiet mind and heart ad i will too.


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Lovely, Roselle. But I think these mostly apply to human beings in general... Great to read your thoughts.

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Thanks, Wendy. And I'd like to think that, but I felt it was arrogant to make assumptions about men. Having said that, I withdrew the comment about fathers, in which case it would have been fine.

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Feb 27Liked by Roselle Angwin

There are all so very relevant Roselle. And though I try not to dwell on this, my soon to commence 60th year of days on this planet, it is so hard not to want to keep on going at the same pace as I did at 40. I try… but I can feel the pressures tugging in all those places they didn’t before. Note to self: MUST TRY HARDER!

I do hope you’re feeling much better now? I also hope this latest deluge of rain hasn’t caused you too many problems? I was about to start planting my garden up (in the hope of beating summer droughts) but my vegetable garden is literally a swamp, as is the field, still minus any sheep…) surrounding it. And it is so so cold! X

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Thank you, Susie. Yes, I understand - I have kept going (and I've a few years on you) as if I were 40. Moving here though, esp post-Brexit, tipped me over an edge into well-overdue burnout. Still haven't learned to rest but realise it might be a good thing ;-). NOTE TO SELF: striving's been the problem. MUST RELAX HARDER!

Labyrinthitis gone, thank goodness. Not sure which I feel saddest for you about: the swampy field or the lack of sheep. We still got - no, TM got – 9 new canopy trees planted up in these wild rainstorms for the forest garden. Yes, it's cold; but a gentler day here to day - and no rain! X

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Feb 27Liked by Roselle Angwin

I’m glad you’re feeling better, thank goodness! It’s such a horrible affliction…

Looks like we both need to try harder!

I bet we don’t though ! 🙃xxx

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How funny, Kamini, I've been meaning to be in touch with you on several occasions recently (partly jogged by your wonderful contributions to the Earth Pathways diary – loved the myth one).

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Oh be lovely to catch up sometime… if you are ever back in Devon? Or maybe I’ll make it to visit you xx

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Feb 25Liked by Roselle Angwin

Absolutely spot on. And how proud I am to have a full house of ‘yes’ to your post. Hmmm….maybe not so much the wrinkles, but I do regard them as warrior lines that are testament to life battles fought and overcome and I am blessed to carry them. Most of the time. 😉 x

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That's nice, Pauline. Chris (my Chris) started to read but disagreed with the first one and then gave up!


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🙄🙄😂 x

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