Your garden is a dream Roselle! The work you put into it shows tenfold. I’m hugely envious… and those recipes, I will be trying every one even if my carnivorous boys won’t…

Isn’t the weather such a huge and constant nightmare this year… I am struggling to maintain anything at all in an orderly fashion almost to the extent of having given up hope. I am praying daily that July and August will be dryer and sunnier.., we have so much fruit on our trees but without the sun all will be lacking in that juicy sweetness we love… and after two years of so little due la canicule that would be just heartbreaking…

Enjoy your week, I hope the sun shines down in you xx

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Hello Susie - nice to hear from you.

Thank you for that. I have to say it's mostly Chris not me who has done all that, and it is his dream project. Not without trouble: did I say that it looks like we've blight, which may destroy the whole of our potato crop (about 150 tubers planted), plus there's very poor germination of carrots and beans, and yes SO much rain (good for the water table but not so good for us and the plants), so yes it does feel like a struggle at times here.

I hope you have a good, and sunny but not canicule-like, week! Love xx

Don't tell the meat-boys they're vegan recipes, is the secret

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Haha, I’ll try… I’ve tried many times before though! X

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Thanks for the mayo recipe. So many mass produced vegan mayos are full of unwanted ingredients. Hope your heart settles Roselle. Xx

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Chris, thanks. I'll email you – it's been a bit of a rough ride. xx

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Thank you for the great sounding recipes Roselle and update on all things growing ..it’s incredible what you are harvesting despite weather challenges!

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Hello Jane! Thank you for that encouragement! And today our trial chickpeas are through and sprouting nicely :-).

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Wonderful pictures and recipes -- delicious :) x

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Thank you Jan! Rxx

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I love the idea of hügelkultur beds...and planting pumpkins in them...I imagine that will look wonderful....

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Hello Jack – and thank you as always for the support.

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Such delicious recipes - I'll have to try them all! I've wanted to try hügelkultur beds, but we don't have a good spot for them. I have a friend whose property is much more level than ours, and she swears by them. She uses them for perennials (asparagus, berries) as well as annuals.

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Oh that's interesting, Laura. Berries too! We may try a permanent one.

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