Thank you,Roselle for another beautiful post. Topped by the moving poem. I too can identify with the ‘unprocessed traumas’. I rely on people like you and meditation which you introduced me to, to regard as normal. The photos are gorgeous. Mostly though I’m relieved you’re feeling better. The changes you’ve experienced during the past two or three years are costly but some achievement. Our slugs climb the runner beans to eat them. Love and thanks Marg c

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That's a lovely, and kind, note, Marg, thank you. Climbing slugs! Now that's where I'd use a slug collar – we do when planting out beans. They're plastic, which we're trying to avoid, but they last a decade or so and mostly work. X

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Beautiful post. I can picture you by the river, slowing to river flow. Hold that moment. xxx

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Dear Chris, thank you. I'm overdue in responding to your email – much to say but have hardly been online, and felt too inward as well. But I loved receiving it, and would like to catch up. Rxx

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The best gardening advice I ever had was "Do more of what works on your land." Quinoa likes your soil or your climate, do more of that. Chickpeas are undecided? The successful ones will make seed that might be more suited to your land. Use your own seed for a couple of years, and see if you get a better harvest :)

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Yes, indeed. We're just at the stage of reviewing what we're growing and what works best. Thank you for commenting!

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I wish you lots of happy gardening and bountiful harvests :)

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Thank you!

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I was so pleased to read about the unexpected support for veganism that you heard from your baker! Having been vegan for over thirty years, I've been encouraged by the fact that more folk are now aware of the benefits of a vegan diet, but living in a predominantly dairy farming area in SW Scotland there are still a lot here who find it very strange. I too amgrowing asmuch veg as I can and have had to invest in a cloche that looks rather like a white caterpillar to protect the cabbages!

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Anne, thank you for commenting here too :-). Yes, as I think I wrote (or perhaps drafted for another post), it's the fastest growing 'social movement', apparently.

We live surrounded (well, not our patch but Finistère in general) by many intensive farming units, and few animals in the fields. I didn't realise this to start with, as the area I know best, a forest, has almost none. It's heartbreaking, all that suffering caged away from view - and away from grass and air and light and play.

So hello to a fellow vegan, and thank you for reading. (I'm just putting the finishing touches to my book on veganism which contains many recipes from the land here and my kitchen.)

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Thank you, Roselle, for this lovely piece. What is truly amazing is how much you do and get done, despite feeling below par and uncertain. Others see this clearly and I hope you can take the merit on board. Whenever you share it is with beauty and integrity.

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Oh Wendy what a lovely comment. Thank you for your ongoing support and kindness.

Bear in mind that The Man is doing most of the active stuff atm! – I try and do one thing towards our project each day, and one small piece of housework, whereas he's working really hard. I haven't done much writing but have felt better since I have the last few days. Rx

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Thank you Marg! X

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Beautiful. Thank you.🙏

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Oh, Mary, thank you.

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Oh, sending huge love for the way you have been feeling, which resonates so strongly with my experience this last year. Two things are helping me along...firstly the lightbulb moment of realising I have lived a (long) lifetime with undiagnosed ADHD. And secondly a warmhearted therapist with whom I am thrashing out so many of my issues...


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Oh I'm sorry to hear you too have been feeling rubbish, Janey. I notice the world is experiencing a spate of anxiety – no surprise. So glad you have allies – a good therapist is worth so much. I'm about to have some short term work too, on anxiety – I've never had such a disabling experience. Love to you x

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Such beauty! Thank you for sharing. The James Hollis quote definitely resonates. Also, may I ask, what kind of material covers the frames of your awesome brassica enclosures? They look lightweight yet sturdy, and I may want to riff on the idea a bit for my own garden eventually.

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Ah, dear Laura, thank you. We ended up using a yes hopefully sturdy enough fine-mesh plastic. We thought a lot as we're trying to move away from all fossil fuel products to the extent we can, and I can't help thinking 'This will still be undegraded in 100 years time' - but wire mesh was too costly and too heavy (we need to move the cages around as we use rotation in the veg garden). We'll see how it lasts. Last year there was hail so large it trashed the roof of my conservatory, so I'm not convinced it's 100% strong enough, but...

And thank you Laura for your Two Cards this week. Always valuable.

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