It was a great pleasure to share those lovely things with you, Roselle. You would enhance any experience!

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Dear Wendy, what a lovely thing to say. I look forward to more outings with you! x

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I hope you feel better soon. I always enjoy your posts, whether they come one at a time or in a bunch. Almost makes me want to move to Brittany.

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Oh that's really lovely to hear, Laura. Thank you x

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A lovely insight into the area you live in, what a rich history those old Celtic lands hold. ‘A Spell in the Forest’ book II ? I didn’t realise that was in the pipeline, can’t wait. Book 1 was an absolute treasure and I often dip into it. Xx

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AH thank you dear Chris. It has to be said it's a very long pipeline... ANd thank you so much for those kind words xx

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I’m sorry you’re unwell and delighted you took a day off with a friend. Let’s hope the next season brings more time off! Such a refreshing read. I’m in Hull researching my novel. City heat is hard to bear. Research is good. Xxx

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Ah thank you Marg. Gosh rather you than me in Leeds; glad though that you're taking the time to research. The novel sounds intriguing. Remind me of basic storyline sometime? x

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