I love Gareth's positive approach to gardening. Thanks for sharing his thoughts in your space!

Now, about those voles - I wonder why they have been particularly destructive during the past 12 months – also in my corner of the world.

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Hello Jack

Yes, what Gareth and son and daughter are doing is quite phenomenal. Oh to have started ourselves 20 years ago!

Ah voles there too - I keep telling myself they're increasingly rare in places, eg the UK (or were). What I forgot to mention is that they are responsible for so many holes beneath the veg garden that sometimes the seeds simply drop through! And I also forgot to mention the moles' tunnels, which also cause havoc!

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I’m trying to tolerate ‘pests’ in our garden. I allow slugs, snails etc as they’re part of the whole. Our first sowing of runner beans didn’t take. The second did. They were under cover in our greenhouse.

Being also, a poet and novelist, I’m well used to seeds not taking! I read your post with pleasure. Thanks! Marg

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Ah thank you Marg. We work on the whole pretty positively with 'pests' in our garden – all part of the web of life, aren't they, and only 'pests' in our view... However, we lost at least as many seeds to mice in the polytunnel as to voles outside!

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